
Saturday, February 21, 2015

A Light in the Wilderness - Jane Kirkpatrick -- Book review

A Light in the Wilderness  by Jane Kirkpatrick is the kind of book you have expectations of because it has a lovely cover. I've only gave it 3 stars on GoodReads.

I liked it, it wasn't bad. I most definitely enjoyed the historical parts, and the information at the end of the novel (about what happened to the main character and to her family) were one of my favourite elements of the novel. Obviously, this is based on a true story, as even the novel's blurb says.

I liked how the main character was presented. What I didn't necessarily like was the rushed feel the novel sometimes had. At times it felt like it was staggering, only to pick up the pace over the next few chapters. This is probably because the novel's aim was to present the whole life of Letitia, the main character. 

This novel goes very well with the popular current tendencies of presenting books and movies that have to do with the Civil War and African Americans' rights. I personally like the emphasis it is put on these social issues.

All in all, the novel is a nice read.

I received this copy for review through the Net Galley program, from Revell publishing house, part of the Baker Publishing Group. All thoughts expressed here are my own.

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